So I have undertaken a 90 Challenge at my local Crossfit gym.
I will be chronicling my progress for that here. I'm pretty stoked! It
will be an awesome experience that will test my mental and physical
fortitude while making me healthier, fitter, and better overall person.
Here's the details on it:
1. Strength - Deadlift 450# (current 385#), Squat 400 (current
345#), Clean/Jerk 300# (current 225#), Max Pullups 50 (did 33 today but
fell off the bar, I could have done more), Perform 5 Muscle-ups
(currently working on doing 1)
2. Hit 40min of mobility per day and 4-5 WODs per week
3. Eliminate alcohol consumption, and stick to my diet with only 1 cheat meal per week.
Bodyweight - 195#
Chest (around arms) - 50 3/8"
Chest (without arms) - 38 1/4"
Arms: Left - 15 1/8"; Right - 15"
Thighs: Left - 24 3/8"; Right - 24 1/4"
Waist (around belly button) - 35 1/2"
I will be
utilizing the Zone Diet, and hopefully making it Paleo/Zone.
Taking an idea from James,
a fellow Crossfitter and Challenge participator, I will be instituting
burpee punishments for cheat meals, with 35 burpees being the punishment
for each food and occurrence (so if I have say, ice cream and pasta
with dinner, that's 70 burpees). I HATE burpees with a passion, so this
should help keep me on track. For those of you who do not know what a
burpee is, please see this video. They look easy, but they will completely wreak you. OK that's it for now. More posts to come.
Tommy! I love/hate the burpee idea!!! Awesome! I will be at MM tomorrow...hope to see you!