Glossary of Terms

Here are some terms you may not recognize that I use regularly in this blog. I will update this when I am able and when I think of more stuff to put on it.

- AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible - perform the given WOD in a set time, as fast as possible.

- Box: Another name for a Crossfit gym.

- Crossfit: Constantly Varied Functional Movements. A type of workout that incorporates the aspects of many exercise regimens in order to make an individual healthier and more fit. See here for details.

- Paleo - The Paleo Diet

- PR: Personal Record, or the best that an individual has done with regards to a particular event, be that a lift, a workout, or almost anything else.

- Rx -  "As prescribed". A term used to mean that a WOD was completed as designed, without any scaling or modification of movements.

- WOD: Workout Of the Day

- Zone: The Zone Diet

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